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Grower’s Guide

Amaranth – Growers’ Guide

Amaranth Guide


Amaranth can grown all season Tropical zone. Best rainy

Can grown good in loam, good irrigation To plough the soil with dry sun 7-10 days To plough the soil deep 20-25 cm. Additional manure rate 1.0-1.5 ton/rai, soil to cover up, plot wide 100-120 cm. high 30 cm.

Cover plot by straw sparseness, sowing seed estimate 5 -10 cm. Sowing soil+ manure to cover up, open water in to plot [seed 800-1,000 gm./rai seed direction] transplant use seeds 250-300 gm.

1. After sowing 8-12 days formula 21-0-0 rate 25-30 Kg./rai
2. After sowing 22 days formula 15-15-15 rate 50 Kg./rai
3. After sowing 32-35 days formula 15-15-15 rate 50 Kg./rai

Disease Important
Anthracnose, Leaf spot, Pot spot, Yellow mosaic
Insect Important: Cotton Leaf Worm, Thrips, Cotton Leafhopper, White Fly

25-40 days. Or younger follow market

AMARANTH FACTS: Species of globe amaranth (Gomphrena) and cockscomb (Celosia) are cultivated as ornamentals; the genera Alternanthera and Iresine each have several species that are cultivated as bedding plants for their attractive and colourful leaves.

The genus Amaranthus contains the ornamentals love-lies-bleeding, or tassel flower (A. caudatus), prince’s feather (A. hybridus erythrostachys), and Joseph’s-coat (A. tricolor) andmany weedy plants known as pigweed, especially A. retroflexus. Prostrate pigweed (A. graecizans) and white pigweed (A. albus) are common throughout Europe in cultivated and waste areas. Tumbleweed (A. albus), a widespread weed in the western United States, has been introduced elsewhere in the world.

Some Amaranthus species are potential high-protein grain crops; strains are being bred for high yield and seedhead stability.
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