Lettuce – Growers’ Guide
Can grow all year, Best in winter, like low temperature.
Loam, clay loam, good irrigation pH 5.5 -6.8. To plough the soil with dry sun 7-10 days To plough the soil deep 20-25 cm. Additional manure or organic fertilizer rate 0.5-1.0 ton/rai fertilizer 15-15-15 or 13-13-21 rate 25-30 Kg./rai soil to cover up plot wide 100 cm. high 25-30 cm. / plot
Sown by seed when plant 10-15days selection space transplant space 20-30 cm. 2 row / plot. Stock 20-25 days.
1. With plough formula 15-15-15 or 13-13-21 rate 25-30 Kg./rai
2. After planted 7-10 days formula 21-0-0 or 46-0-0 rate 25-30 Kg./rai
3. After planted 20-25days formula 21-0-0 or 46-0-0 rate 25-30 Kg./rai
Disease Important
Leaf Spot, Foot and Root rot.
Insect Important: worm, aphid
40-50 days
They are not suitable for shipping, so they are usually grown on truck farms or market gardens relatively close to markets. The crisp-headvarieties, well adapted for long-distance shipment, are dominant in the U.S., where over five-sixths of the acreage is located in California and Arizona. In Great Britain cabbage andcos types dominate. Although most commonly consumed in salads, lettuce may also be served as a cooked vegetable.