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Showing 253–264 of 319 results

  • F1 Hybrid CU4307

    Fruit: gradient green color, cylinder straight, thick & crisp flesh
    Size: 5cm x 18-19cm, 260-280g
    Maturity: 36-38 days from sowing
    Remarks: good for storage and transportation, vigorous growth and good resistant to disease

    CUCUMBER FACTS: The food value of the cucumber is low, but its delicate flavour makes it popular for salads and relishes. Fresh cucumbers should be firm, well-shaped, and bright green in colour. They may be kept in refrigerated storage for about two weeks.

  • F1 Hybrid CU4306

    Fruit: whitish-green color skin, cylindrical shape
    Size: 4.5cm x 17-18 cm, 220-240 g
    Maturity: 38-40 days from sowing
    Remarks: Vigorous vines and predominated female flowers, very high yield


    CUCUMBER FACTS: The food value of the cucumber is low, but its delicate flavour makes it popular for salads and relishes. Fresh cucumbers should be firm, well-shaped, and bright green in colour. They may be kept in refrigerated storage for about two weeks.

  • F1 Hybrid CU4305

    Fruit: deep green color skin, thick flesh, cylindrical shape
    Size: 4.5-5cm x 18-20 cm, 230-260 g
    Maturity: 35-38 days from sowing
    Remarks: Vigorous vines and predominated female flowers, high yield, tolerant to hot and humid conditions, resistant to Downy Mildew, long shelf life.

  • Average yield (grain) 8,000-13,000 Kg./ha
    Ear height 100 cm.

    Ear length (inch) 10-12
    Ear wide (cm.) 5.0 – 5.4
    Ear weight (g.) 300
    Plant height 210-240 cm.
    Days to anthesis 56 days
    Days to silking 56 days
    Days to harvest 110-120 days
    Grain type Semi Flint
    Grain color Orange – Yellow
    Rows of grain 14-16
    Shelling percentage 83%
    Husk cover Completely
    Ear type Cylindrical
    Root and stalk system Very strong
    Resistance to foliar diseases Good
    Resistance to rust disease Good

  • The Yellow Waxy Corn has sweet taste and sticky. Its fruit has dense kernels, 12-16 rows of yellow color meat, 15 cm. in lenght, 130-150 grams in weight. Maturity is in 65 days after sowing.

  • This Purple-Yellow Waxy Corn has sweet taste, tender and sticky. Its fruit has dense kernels, 12-16 rows of purple and yellow color meat, 15 cm. in lenght, 130-150 grams in weight. Maturity is in 65 days after sowing.

  • This Purple-White Waxy Corn has sweet taste, tender and sticky. Its fruit has dense kernels, 12-16 rows of purple and white color meat, 15 cm. in length, 130-150 grams in weight. Maturity is in 65 days after sowing.

  • weight: 170-200 g
    Height plant: 170-200 cm
    Shape: long
    Fruit: This glutinous corn has medium ears and dense kernels. The test is little sweet and very tender
    Maturity: 60-65 days after sowing
    Remarks: corn, glutinous corn, big kernels, sweet, sticky

  • The White Corn has sweet taste, tender and sticky. Its fruit has dense kernels, 12-16 rows of white color meat, 15 cm. in lenght, 130-150 grams in weight. Maturity is in 65 days after sowing.

  • This glutinous corn has small ears and dense kernels.
    The taste is little sweet and very tender. Maturity is in 60-65 days after sowing.

    CORN FACTS: Corn is used as livestock feed, as human food, and as raw material in industry. Although it is a major food in many parts of the world, it is inferior to other cereals in nutritional value. Its protein is of poor quality, and it is deficient in niacin. Diets in which it predominates often result in pellagra (niacin-deficiency disease). Its gluten (elastic protein) is of comparatively poor quality, and it is not used to produce leavened bread.

    It is widely used, however, in Latin-American cuisine to make masa, a kind of dough usedin such staple foods as tortillas, the round, thin cakes used as bread. In the United States, corn is boiled or roasted on the cob, creamed, converted into hominy (hulled kernels) or meal, and cooked in corn puddings, mush, polenta, griddle cakes, corn bread, and scrapple. It is also used for popcorn, confections, and various manufactured cereal preparations.

  • Average yield (Yellow) 15,000 kg/ha

    Average yield (Green) 23,000 kg/ha

    Ear height 80 cm.

    Ear length (inch) 20-21
    Ear width (cm.) 5.0 – 5.5
    Plant height 210 cm.
    Days to silking 54 days
    Days to harvest 74 days
    Grain color Yellow

    Grain filling to the end of ear tip
    Kernel rows 14-16

    Remarks: Excellent eating quality, sweetness, tenderness

  • Yield with husk 10,100 kg/ha

    Yield without husk 2,000kg/ha

    Plant height 210 cm

    Ear height 140 cm

    Ear/plant 2-3

    Ear color Yellow

    Silk length 8-10 cm

    Days to Detassel 45-47 days

    Days of Harvest 5-7 days

    Good resistant to DM

    Excellent root and stalk system


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