Welcome to LION SEEDS CO.,LTD.


Showing 313–319 of 319 results

  • Weight: 17-19 g
    Diameters: 2.0-2.5 x 12-15
    Color: light yellow color skin (turn red at maturity)
    Fruit: large, firm,
    Maturity: 75-80 days after sowing
    Remarks: pepper, other type

  • Weight: 16-18 g
    length: 12-15 cm
    Color: turn dark yellow at maturity
    Flesh: very spicy taste
    Fruit: this yellow pepper is approximately 70 cm tall. Fruit is spreading and prolific with glossy yellow skin
    Maturity: 75-80 days after sowing
    Remarks: pepper, other type

  • Weight: 40-60 g
    Diameter: 5×5 cm
    Color: light green
    Fruit: This Yhod Nam matti gulla has water drop shape
    Maturity: 40-50 days from transplanting
    Remarks: thai herbs

  • Weight: 23 g
    Length: 45-50 cm
    Shape: pod
    Fruit: vigorous, high yield, purple pod with green colored end, vigorous, sweet taste and very crispy
    Maturity: 47 days after sowing
    Remarks: yard long bean, white seed & brown seed

  • Weight: 24 g
    Length: 65-70 cm
    Shape: pod
    Fruit: the red seeded yard long bean is our special selected, vigorous, prolific. deep green color pod is long, firm, sweet and crispy
    Maturity: 55 days after sowing
    Remarks: yard long bean, red seed

  • Fruit: Vigorous and high uniform, selected to upright stem, good growth, waxy green leaf, and slow bolting, and tolerant disease
    Maturity: 35 – 50 days from sowing
    Remarks: chinese kale

  • Weight: 150-180 g
    Length: 16-18 cm
    Color: shinny-green color with mottle spots
    Fruit: This is an early and very prolific Zucchini. Plant is dwarf, with female flowers on almost every node
    Maturity: It can be harvested in 40-45 days from sowing
    Remarks: squash, zucchini type

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