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Showing 85–96 of 319 results

  • Weight: 23 g
    Length: 45-50 cm
    Shape: pod
    Fruit: vigorous, high yield, purple pod with green colored end, vigorous, sweet taste and very crispy
    Maturity: 47 days after sowing
    Remarks: yard long bean, white seed & brown seed

  • Weight: 19 g
    Length: 50-55 cm
    Shape: pod
    Fruit: vigorous, high yield, large and light green pod, Sweet taste and very crispy
    Maturity: 50 days after sowing
    Remarks: yard long bean, white seed & brown seed

  • Weight: 250-400g (can weigh upto 2 kg)
    Diameter: 9 cm
    Shape: turnip shape
    Fruit: creamy white color, crisp and sweet taste
    Maturity: 150 days after sowing
    Remarks: yam bean, root vegetable,

  • Weight: 1-1.5 kg
    Size : 8 x 22 cm
    Color: mottle and green
    Maturity: 60-65 days
    Remark: wax gourd, early and short vines, tender and thick flesh

  • Weight: 0.8-1.4 kg
    Shape: cylindrical
    Color: light green skin
    Fruit: roong arun wax gourd is vigorous and prolific. Fruit is firm, Good resistant to deceases
    Maturity: 55-60 days after transplanting
    Remarks: wax gourd


  • Shape: round
    Color: green
    Fruit: This wax ground round type is firm, vigorous and prolific, approximately 12-16 fruits per plant. excellent smell
    Maturity: 75 days after sowing
    Remarks: wax gourd

  • Weight: 1 kg
    Length: 22 cm
    Shape: cylinder
    Fruit: Fruit has mottle with 9 cm diameter, tender and thick flesh
    Maturity: 60-65 days from sowing
    Remarks: wax gourd

  • Weight: 1 kg
    Shape: cylindrical
    Color: light green color skin
    Fruit: this hybrid wax gourd is early, very productive, makes it provided high yield. Fruit is short, Flesh is thick and has good flavor
    Maturity: It can be harvested in 55-60 days from sowin
    Remarks: wax gourd

  • Size: 200-250 g
    Flesh: white
    Fruit: globe shape, half dark purple half white at the bottom
    Maturity: 60 days from sowing
    Remarks: turnip, suitable for winter season, depth of sowing 1 to 2 cm, raw to raw distance 20-30 cm, and plant to plant 15-20 cm, suitable for winter season

  • Weight: 40 g
    Diameter: 3.5×5 cm
    Shape: oval
    Color: red color
    Fruit: plant has indeterminate habit, easy to grow and prolific Resistant to deceases
    Maturity: 60 days after sowing
    Remarks: tomato, other type

  • Weight: 110-120 g
    Shape: high round
    Color: red
    Fruit: Indeterminate plant 60-70 fruit per plant. Fruit has firm fresh .Good for Processing and fresh market 6-8 fruit per cluster, Resistant to BW and TYLCV
    Maturity: Harvesting in 75-80 day after transplant
    Remarks: tomato, table type, high yield and heat tolerant

  • Weight: 200-250 g
    Shape: globe
    Color: red
    Fruit: plant has determinate habit, grows vigorously with resistance to Fusarium wilt, large fruit, firm and good taste
    Maturity: It can be harvested in 80-85 days from sowing
    Remarks: tomato, table type

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