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Showing 145–156 of 318 results

  • Weight: 5-6 kg
    Shape: Flat-round
    Maturity: 70-75 days from sowing
    Remarks: pumpkin, pk4414, good resistant to virus, prolific, high yield

  • Weight: 4-5kg
    Fruit: flat-round shape, mottle green skin
    Maturity 70-75 days from sowing
    Remarks: pumpkin, sq4410, high yield, good resistant to viruses

  • Weight: 4-6 kg
    Fruit: flat-round shape, dark green skin, shallow ridges
    Maturity: 75-80 days from sowing
    Remark: pumpkin, sq4411, good tolerant to disease and virus

  • Weight: 1.4-2 kg
    Color: golden yellow color
    Flesh: thick and sticky
    Fruit: has green and creamy-white skin, Tolerant to virus and high humidity
    Maturity: It can be harvested in 65-70 days from sowing
    Remarks: pumpkin, sq4413

  • Size: 2.5-3 kg
    Fruit: green and mottle color, rough skin, golden-yellow flesh, thick and sticky texture
    Maturity: 77-80 days from sowing
    Remarks: pumpkin, sq4412, vigorous vines and good side branches

  • Size: 4-5 kg
    Fruit: dark green color and little rough skin, golden yellow flesh, thick and sticky texture
    Maturity: 75-80 days
    Remarks: pumpkin, sq4408, small vines and leaves

  • Weight: 2-3 kg
    Color: yellowish to orange
    Shape: flat-round
    Fruit: early variety and prolific, fruit is flat-round, flesh is golden yellow color, thick and sticky small vines and leaves make it good for close planting and suitable to grow in low land
    Maturity: 40-50 days from sowing
    Remarks: pumpkin, sq4402

  • Weight: 3-4 kg
    Color: orange, yellow
    Maturity: 85-95 days from sowing
    Remarks: pumpkin, vigorous plant, good resistant to virus and diseases, high yield, long shelf life



  • Length: 5-6 cm
    Color: green, white stems
    Fruit: The Sprouting Radish is prolific and vigorous. Leaves are green color, hearted-shape with approximately
    Maturity: 5-6 days after sowing
    Remarks: sprouting radish

  • Weight: 130-150 g
    Size: 3.0-3.5 X 20-22 cm
    Color: light green
    Maturity: 35-38 days after sowing
    Remarks: sponge gourd, High yield,resistance to downy mildew,virus



  • Weight : 120 – 140 g
    Length : 18-20 cm
    Diameter: 3.0 -3.5 cm
    Color : Dark green
    Maturity: 38-40 Day after sowing
    Remark : sponge gourd, Resistant to Downy mildew and Virus, Aromatic fresh, early maturity

  • Weight: 170-250 g
    Diameters: 4-4.5×18-25 cm
    Color: green
    Flesh: It has excellent taste
    Fruit: The sweet honey sponge gourd is our special selected, vigorous and prolific
    Maturity: 45 days after transplanting
    Remarks: sponge gourd

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