Welcome to LION SEEDS CO.,LTD.

F1 MAIZE 010

Quick Overview

Average yield (Dry 15%) 8,000 kg/ha

(Fresh 28%) 11,300 kg/ha

Ear height 130 cm.

Ear length (inch) 10-12
Ear wide (cm.) 5.0 – 5.4
Ear weight (g.) 300
Plant height 287 cm.
Days to anthesis 57 days
Days to silking 57 days
Days to harvest 120-125 days
Grain type Semi Flint, Semi dent
Grain color Orange – Yellow
Rows of grain 14-16

Leaf color Dark Green
Shelling percentage 83%
Husk cover Completely
Ear type Cylindrical
Strong root and stalk system
Good Resistance to foliar diseases
Good Resistant to rust disease

Good lodging resistant

Good ear disease tolerant

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