Product Description
Size: 1.5-1.8 kg
Maturity: 80-85 days after flowering
Fruit: round shape, green flesh, good aroma, juicy and very sweet with 14-15% sugar content
Remarks: melon, vigorous vines and sets fruit very well
MELON FACTS: Seven groups of melons are cultivated:
Reticulatis group, the netted, or nutmeg, melons, including the small muskmelons, with net-ribbed rind and sweet orange flesh;
Cantalupensis group, the cantaloupes (named for Cantalupo, near Rome, where these melons were early grown from southwestern Asian stock), characterized by rough warty rind and sweet orange flesh;
Inodorus group, the winter melons, including the large, smooth-skinned, mildly flavoured, and light green- to white-fleshed honeydew, casaba, and Persian melons;
Flexuosus group, the snake or serpent melons, up to 7 cm in diameter and about 1 metre (3 feet) long, with slightly acid cucumber-like flesh;
Conomon group, the Oriental pickling melons, with greenish flesh, neither musky nor sweet;
Chito group, the mango melons, with fruit usually the size and shape of a lemon or orange, and flesh whitish and cucumber-like;
Dudaim group, sometimes called the stinking melons, characterized by orange-sized, highly fragrant and inedible ornamental fruit.