Eggplant – Grower’s Guide
Can be planted in all season. Temperature 21-30 C.
Loam, Clay loam, good irrigation, pH 5.5-7 To plough the soil with dry sun 7-10 days To plough the soil deep 20 -25 cm. Additional manure rate 1-1.5 ton / rai Chemical fertilizer 15-15-15 rate 40 Kg./rai soil to cover up plot wide 100-120 cm. high 30 cm. Use plastic or strew to cover up step end.
Transplanting sprout 25-30 days, open water in to plot, perforate on plastic space 40-50 cm.
1. With plough Fertilizer 15-15-15 rate 30 Kg./rai
2. After transplant 10-15 days Fertilizer 46-0-0 or 21-0-0 rate 15-20 Kg./rai
3. After transplant 20-25 days Fertilizer 15-15-15 or 13-13-21 rate 30 Kg./rai
4. After transplant 35-40 days Fertilizer 15-15-15 or 13-13-21 rate 30 Kg./rai
5. After transplant 55-75 days Fertilizer 15-15-15 or 13-13-21 rate 30 Kg./rai
Disease Important
1. Fusarium Wilt spray chemical Copperoxcycloride rate 30 gm./ water 20 L.
2. Anthracnose Wilt spray chemical MANCOZEB rate30 gm./ water 20 L.
Insect Important:
1.Thrips spray chemical METHOMIL rate 20 gm./ water 20 L.
2. Worm spray chemical CABOSULFAN rate 20 gm./ water 20 L.
3. Broad Mite spray chemical Sulfur rate 30 gm./ water 20 L.
4. White Fly spray chemical Monocrotopos rate 20-30 cc./ water 20 L.
estimate 60 days