![Pepper - PE 195](http://www.lionseeds.com/wp-content/uploads/PEPPER-PE195.jpg)
This hybrid sweet pepper has erected, Medium tall plant and good tolerant to Anthracnose disease. Fruit is light green color, smooth and glossy skin, taper in shape, 3.5 x 9 cm in size, 20-30 grams in weight. Flesh is thick and has mild sweet. It can be harvested in 90-100 days from sowing.
PEPPER FACTS: In addition to the cherry (Cerasiforme group) and red cluster (Fasciculatum), these hot varieties, which are red when mature, include the tabasco (Conoides), which is commonly ground and mixed with vinegar to produce a hot sauce, and the long “hot” chili and cayenne (Longum), often called capsicums. Cayenne pepper, said to have originated in Cayenne in French Guiana, is one of the spices derived from these peppers and is produced in many parts of the world.