The early variety and good set fruits, flat-round in shape, orange skin color, 1-2 kg in weight, flesh is orange-yellow, thick, excellent in flavor and taste. It can be harvested in 75-80 days from sowing. Tolerant to Powdery mildew and virus.
SQUASH/PUMPKIN FACTS: The fruits are large, generally 4-8 kg (9-18 pounds) or more, are yellowish to orange incolour, and vary from oblate through globular to oblong. The rind is smooth and usually lightly furrowed or ribbed; the fruit stem is hard and woody, ridged or angled, and in C. pepo not flared at its point of attachment to the fruit. The very largest varieties of pumpkin are called winter squash, C. maxima, and may weigh 34 kg (75 pounds) or more. Pumpkins produce very long vines and are planted individually or in twos or threes on little hills about 2.5 to 3 m (8 to 10 feet) apart. Pumpkins mature in early autumn, and those of C. maxima can be stored for a few months in a dry place well above freezing temperatures.