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Showing 289–300 of 410 results

  • Weight: 0.8-1.4 kg
    Shape: cylindrical
    Color: light green skin
    Fruit: roong arun wax gourd is vigorous and prolific. Fruit is firm, Good resistant to deceases
    Maturity: 55-60 days after transplanting
    Remarks: wax gourd


  • Tall: 8 ft (2.4 m)
    Color: typically red stems
    Shape: cylindrical
    Fruit: Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn) is an annual, erect, bushy, with smooth or nearly smooth
    Maturity: 4 months after sowing
    Remarks: thai herbs

  • weight: 70-80 g
    width: 4-5 cm
    Shape: round
    Fruit: This variety is a round vigorous plant, widely adapted to many growing conditions, and produces high yields of shiny bright purple fruits
    Maturity: 53 days after transplanting
    Remarks: eggplant

  • Weight: 0.7-1 kg
    Length: 22-28 cm
    Fruit: light green color, round large with narrow neck, vigorous, high yield, tolerance to deceases
    Maturity: 60 days after sowing
    Remarks: bottle gourd

  • Shape: round
    Color: green
    Fruit: This wax ground round type is firm, vigorous and prolific, approximately 12-16 fruits per plant. excellent smell
    Maturity: 75 days after sowing
    Remarks: wax gourd

  • weight: 2-3 kg
    Color: yellow color thick skin
    Shape: round
    Fruit: This musk melon with Sweet taste and have excellent smell. Good for storage and transportation
    Maturity: 60-65 days after sowing
    Remarks: thai melon

  • Weight: 1-1.5 kg
    Flesh:  lovely appearance and very good taste
    Fruit: Large, red, round wrapped leaves
    Maturity: 35-40 days after transplant
    Remarks: amaranth , Good tolerance to poor conditions

  • weight: 50-70 g
    length: 25 cm
    Shape: long
    Fruit: The rueng rong type celery has large stems and leaves with excellent taste. Good resistant to heat and deceases.
    Maturity: 75-85 days after transplanting.
    Remarks: celery

  • Fruit: Semi indeterminate plant, good growth even in less nutrient soil, suitable for easy drain areas and in drought condition. Not suitable to grow in flood condition
    Remarks: grass

  • Weight: 25 g
    Length: 60-65 cm
    Shape: pod
    Fruit: This red and white seed yard long bean is vigorous, high yield, long green pod with horizontal line, crispy and sweet taste. Good for storage
    Maturity: 52 days after sowing
    Remarks: yard long bean, red seed

  • Weight: 30 g
    Length: 65-70 cm
    Shape: pod
    Fruit: this red and white yard long bean is vigorous, high yield, long green pod with vertical line, crispy and sweet taste Good for storage
    Maturity: 54 days after sowing
    Remarks: yard long bean, red seed

  • Weight: 4-6 kg
    Shape: round
    Flesh: red, crisp and sweet
    Fruit: green strips on the light green rind
    Maturity: 72-75 days after sowing
    Remarks: watermelon, seedless, crimson sweet type, early, good fruit-setting

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