length: 6 cm
Shape: linear-triangular
Fruit: Perennial with a semi-erect growth habit, spreading by rooting from lower culm nodes.ย broad, dark green, both abaxial andadaxial surfaces densely covered with short hairs
Remarks: grass -
Fruit: Semi indeterminate plant, good growth even in less nutrient soil, suitable for easy drain areas and in drought condition. Not suitable to grow in flood condition
Remarks: grass -
A leafy upright perennial tussock grass, usually less than 1.0 m tall, to 2 m when in flower. Leaves to >2.5 cm wide, shiny and brittle, even when mature; leaf margins scabrous; leaf hairiness varies with provenance. Seed borne in a simple panicle to 26 cm long comprising up to 20 racemes, the lower ones to 14 cm long. Spikelets about 3 mm long and 2 mm wide. 250,000-450,000 seeds/kg.
length: 0.5-4.5 cm
Fruit: A robust, erect to semi-erect, short-lived perennial herb or sub-shrub growing to 1.2 m (rarely to 1.5 m). Leaves and young stems glabrous to densely pilose, or with scattered bristles. Leaves trifoliolate with lanceolate leaflets, Flowers yellow to orange, with standard 4-8 mm x 3-5 mm; borne in clusters on a capitate spike . Seeds varying from yellow to red to brown to almost black) in single-seeded pods
Remarks: grass -
tall: 1.5-2.5 g
Shape: oblong or pyramidal
Fruit: A robust perennial, loosely to densely tufted, shortly rhizomatous, erect or geniculately ascending, rooting at the lower nodes. Leaves glabrous to hairy
Remarks: grass -
length: 40-100 cm
Shape: oblong or paramidal
Fruit: A robust perennial, 2-3.5 m tall, with stems to about 14 mm diameter. loosely to densely tufted, shortly rhizomatous, erect or geniculately ascending, rooting at the lower nodes. Leaves glabrous to hairy Leaf blades linear to narrowly lanceolate. Panicle open,ย with secondary branches well developed and flexuous. Spikelets oblong, blunt or acute , rounded on the back. Anthers green. A taller and stronger plant than Tanzania
Remarks: grass -
Weight: 1.2-1.5 kg
Color: mottle green skinFruit: yellow-orange flesh
Shape: peanut shape
Maturity: 60-65 days from sowing
Remarks: pumpkin, pk4422, compact plants, early, high yield -
Weight: 2-3 kg
Shape: elongated pumpkin
Flesh: yellow-orange color, good flavor
Fruit: mottle green skin
Maturity: 70-75 days after sowing
Remarks: pumpkin, pk455456, plants are vigorous, provide prolific fruits and high yield, good resistant to virus, can grow all year round -
Weight: 90-110 g
Color: light green
Fruit: this round zucchini hybrid is vigorous dwarf plant, high disease resistance and high fruit setting ability
Maturity: It can be harvested after sowing about 35-40 days
Remarks: squash -
weight: 1.8-2.0 kg
Shape: oval
Flesh: deep orange color
Fruit: This hybrid melon is extra early maturity and sets fruit well. brown net, green ribs and light yellow creamy rind, with 14-15 % sugar content, tender and juicy
Maturity: harvested in 25-30 days after flowering
Remarks: melon -
Weight: 5-7 kg
Shape: oblong
Flesh: red color, firm, crisp and very sweet
Fruit: narrow light green stripes on the deep green rind
Maturity: 73-75 days after sowing.
Remarks: watermelon, crimson sweet type, very vigorous vines and leaves, good tolerant to disease -
Weight: 12-15 kg
Shape: oblong
Flesh: pink-red, firm and sweet
Fruit: large, wide green stripes on the light green rind
Maturity: 75-80 days after sowing
Remarks: watermelon, crimson sweet type, very strong plants and very high yield